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March 8 - 14, 2020: John 21: 4-11

Reflect: These few verses describe Jesus being involved in everyday life, yet as you may have noticed there is always spiritual insights to be gained when interacting with Jesus. 

We can relate to the disciples frustration of working hard with nothing to show for it. They have exhausted their efforts and are giving up. Jesus gives them instructions to put their nets on the other side and suddenly their nets are not large enough! Amazingly they have a catch of fish they will undoubtedly talk about for the rest of their lives. One net alone had 153 fish! 

Our ever gracious Jesus then serves them breakfast. Jesus is always serving people and I love the picture of Him frying fish and providing bread. A historic fish catch and a breakfast with Jesus was so much more than they could have imagined as they struggled through the night.

“The Big Story of Jesus is filled with many of these smaller stories with a persistent theme: think bigger, dream bigger, plan bigger. The goal is not to make more money or live a longer life or gain more pleasure or power. The idea is always this; to make a difference in the lives of people......Don’t sell yourself and your “one and only life” short with small dreams and visions. And, equally important, don’t sell others short because you failed to insist upon a commitment to love that is truly extraordinary.” Alex Bryan, Living God’s Love 

Recalibrate : Is there someone that needs your encouragement, your vote of confidence in their dreams for the future?

Respond: Ask God for an expanded vision of how He wants to use you.

Research: Read "Everybody Always " by Bob Goff 


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