March 22 - 28, 2020: Luke 14:1-6
Refresh: Pray that the Lord will give you more insight into the keeping of the Sabbath day.
In my growing relationship with Jesus, I have come to understand that showing love to our family, friends, neighbors, even strangers, is more important that the keeping of any rules, regulations, or doctrine. Regardless of how that love is shown, be it in Bible Study, visiting, or service to others does not matter. We are called to love above everything else we may say or do.
In many instances Jesus chose to heal on the Sabbath day, and we see Him doing it here yet again. Jesus could have healed on any other day of the week, but he looked for every opportunity possible to open the minds of the Pharisees and to free them from following the traditions that they had ingrained in themselves. They could no longer think “outside the box” !
A wise purpose underlay everything Jesus did, including the timing of performing miracles. Jesus tried to show the Pharisees that the work of relieving the afflicted was in harmony with the keeping of the Sabbath day.
God’s angels are ministering between heaven and earth twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, without a break whatsoever! The way the Jews interpreted the law, God must put periods of time to His labor and stop the never ending routine of the universe! Should He do this, we would “miss the fruits of the earth, and the blessings that make life desirable. Nature must continue her unvarying course. God could not for a moment stay His hand, or man would faint and die. And man also has a work to perform on this day. The wants of the needy must be supplied. He will not be held guiltless who neglects to relieve suffering on the Sabbath. [In other words, we will not be guilty of breaking the Sabbath when we help to relieve the suffering of others on the Sabbath, whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual.] God’s holy rest day was made for man, and acts of mercy are in perfect harmony with its intent”. God does not desire for any of His creatures to suffer pain in any way when it can be relieved whether it be the Sabbath or any other day!
The demands made upon God are even greater upon the Sabbath than upon other days of the week. His children leave their ways of earning a living, and spend time in mediation and prayer, fellowship, and spending time with their families. His children ask for more favors from Him on the Sabbath than any other day; we demand special attention from Him and we crave His choicest blessings. God does not always wait for the Sabbath to pass to grant the requests we make of Him. “Heaven’s work never ceases, and men should never rest from doing good.”
“The law forbids secular labor on the rest day of the Lord; the toil that gains a livelihood must cease; no labor for worldly pleasure or profit is lawful upon that day; but as God ceased His labor of creating, and rested upon the Sabbath and blessed it, so man is to leave the occupation of his daily life, and devote those sacred hours to healthful rest, to worship, and to holy deeds. The work of Christ in healing the sick was in perfect accord with the law. It honored the Sabbath.” *
Recalibrate: In what ways can we think “outside the box” with acts of mercy in keeping with the Sabbath ?
Research: Go to the General Index in the Desire of Ages and research the object of the Sabbath.
For your enjoyment:
Every Breath:
I Believe:
* Desire of Ages, p. 206-207