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January 19-25, 2020: John 8

If you study the ministry of Jesus you discover that His treatment of women was quite revolutionary for His time. The story of the woman caught in adultery is of special interest because it shows His care for a woman whose life is considered worthless and how He treats all those who suffer shame and disgrace.

Thoughts on John 8:

“It is surely a remarkable fact that He who is the embodiment of divine holiness, the ‘I Am’ who met the people of God at Sinai in fire and thunder....should say to a self-confessed sinner with the guilt of the broken commandment heavy on her conscience, “Neither do I condemn you.” Here is the miracle of the grace of God. There is no greater wonder than this.”
Bruce Milne, “The Message of John”

“By His own definition, Jesus was the only One (without sin) who could throw the stones! But He didn’t because He chose to die in her place and ours.”  Elizabeth Talbot, “Jesus Wins”

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