January 12-18, 2020: John 6 & 7
Some thoughts regarding John Chapter 6:
“So when you are surrounded by souls in need, know that Christ is there. Commune with Him. Bring your barley loaves to Jesus.” - Desire of Ages, p. 431
How wonderful are verses 67-69, especially Peter’s reply to Jesus, “Lord to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
“Any theology that leads to more of us and less of Him is teetering on the brink of heresy. Even our reading of scripture needs to be the revelation of Jesus Christ, not simply a road map of how we are supposed to live.” - Tim Gillespie, “For The One”
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Thoughts regarding John Chapter 7:
Several years ago while traveling in France, we had an opportunity to visit the Palace of Versailles. It was the most lavish and opulent royal dwelling you could imagine. It certainly showed off the wealth of the king, but I found myself getting weary of the gilded rooms. What the French people needed was not a king that went “over the top “ with gold and silver. They needed a king that fed the hungry ; one who cared and enriched their lives.
In John chapter seven we read of people with a picture of what they think they need as a Messiah. Some except the Prince of Peace but others want an earthly king. The humility of Christ, and His heavenly mission did not fit their picture of what He should be.
As we study Chapter Seven may we find an ever clearer vision of who He is and what that means for our 21st century lives.
Reflect: Read verses 21-24 and ponder how they apply to our journey with Jesus.