December 29, 2019 - January 4, 2020: John 2 & 3
I can distinctly remember the year my parents planned a trip to Pasadena so that I could experience the Rose Bowl Parade. Weeks ahead they told me about the technicalities of creating beauty with fresh flowers. They spoke of the fun and excitement of past years when they had attended as a young couple. It was with great anticipation that we looked forward to New Year’s Day.
It was late on New Year’s Eve that the plan fell apart. I started running a high fever and while I will spare you the details, it was abundantly clear that I had the flu. I started the new year miserable and my parents made the long trip home with a sick child which was probably not their most enjoyable day either.
When we focus on Jesus we will never be disappointed. Walking with Him through the coming year will lead us to an even deeper understanding of His character.
Reflect: What new insights into Jesus do you find in John chapter 2?
Respond: Pray that God will make Jesus more precious to you than ever before in 2020.