March 1 - 7, 2020: John 13:33-35
REFRESH: Pray for a better understanding of what it means to love like Jesus.
READ: John 13, especially verses 33-35.
REFLECT: When leaving our daughter at Great Lakes Academy for her freshman year, I cried a good share of the way home. My mind kept going over the words we had said in the previous days. Like every parent I reviewed my words wondering if we had truly expressed the love and support we felt for her. Had we given her the tools she needed to thrive?
I cannot imagine what are Saviour must have felt as He is about to leave His children and knows the future they will face.
Once again He speaks of love. “Before I go, I want to tell you to love one another. Genuine love means to love each other the same way I have loved you.” John 13:34, The Clear Word. A simple command but only possible by His power.
“Love creates a new reality, where a person can get to work, get to play, get to service, get to life. Love nurtures new dignity, purpose, and meaning. God loves you. He wants to lift you in love. And He invites us to lift one another.” Living God’s Love, Alex Bryan
RESPOND: Who can you lift up today?
RESEARCH: Desire of Ages, Chapter 73